'Change starts with your underwear', as the distinguished Tom Ford said "Change Your Underwear" in fact not only does he offer some excellent advise he also offers 3 very important rules when it comes to men's underwear.
Rule 2. Choose carefully
Rule 3. Don't be afraid to take risks.
All very good rules to follow for so many reasons which we will delve a little deeper into.
There are still many men out there who really hate shopping for underwear, for reasons such as (You can't try them on, how do you know if they are going to fit or feel any good?)
Now, you are hearing that changing your underwear can change the planet? What does this even mean and how can you possibly know what is the right underwear to do this?
Allow us to help you, whilst Reer Endz is here to make the world a comfier place we are also on a journey to help inspire everybody to make a change to an underwear brand that can actually help change the planet for the greater good!
Organic Cotton is where it matters most, we all know that feeling good begins with comfy undies so imagine how good you will feel when not only are your undies comfy you know that they are actually helping make the planet feel good too.
We are proud that we are transitioning into a world of GOTS certified Organic Cotton, better for you & better for your planet. The future of our planet is not only in our hands but it's also in our Reer Endz...literally.
People can often feel sceptical that something as small as changing the underwear you buy can have any sort of positive impact on the planet so instead, they do nothing.
We are here to remind everyone that by wearing Reer Endz Organic Cotton underwear that you can make a difference, literally one undie at a time.
We are here to remind everyone that by wearing Reer Endz Organic Cotton underwear that you can make a difference, literally one undie at a time.
So it's now your time to seriously up your underwear game! CHANGE YOUR UNDERWEAR, CHANGE OUR PLANET.
Your Step One into learning more about the benefits of Organic Cotton is to read our blog
Your next step if you are still thinking Bamboo is an eco-friendly option is to unthink it by reading our blog
Your final step is to get your Reer Endz into some GOTS certified Organic cotton Reer Endz HERE
Now back to Mr Ford's underwear rules, please see our solutions below;
1. We agree, you can never have too many pairs! That's why we offer Reer Endz bundles, the more you spend the more you save.
Check out our 10 pack bundles HERE
2. Very important to choose wisely, remember your decisions are now affecting our planet so choose Organic Cotton and help make a positive change.
Check out our GOTS certified Organic Cotton Range HERE.
3. Live life on the wild side, try one of our extremely fashionable yet fun prints. Shop our Watch For Crocs print HERE
Until next time...#coveryourz